Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Blog

Please pick 2 of the 3 articles below to read and answer the questions that follow. The blog will close January 18.
NOTE: Make sure you write your response as a comment on the post you choose, not as a separate post!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

14 Reasons Why People are Occupying Wall Street

The link will connect you to an article titled 14 Reasons Why People are Occupying Wall Street from the We Are the 99 Percent website. Look over the article and answer the questions below.
  1. What do you know about Occupy Wall Street? Did this article further your understanding of the movement?Numbered List
  2. What kind of impact did the images have on you? Was there one in particular that stuck with you? If so, why?
  3. Do you think the length of the people’s stories had anything to do with how effective they were at offering reasons to Occupy? Why or why not?

U.S. Withdraws Troops from Iraq

Below is the link to an article from CNN discussing the removal of U.S. troops from Iraq. After reading it, answer the following questions thoughtfully and thoroughly.
  1. Do you think it is possible for the U.S. to build a “’normal relationship’” with Iraq given everything that has happened between the two nations in the past eight years of war? Why or why not?
  2. What do Obama and al-Maliki hope will happen to Iraq once the U.S. military is no longer present there? Do you think their visions for Iraq are possible?
  3. Do you think it is a good thing that the United States is withdrawing its military presence from Iraq? Why or why not?

Sudbury Terror Suspect Convicted

On Tuesday, December 20, Terek Mehanna of Sudbury was found guilty of several terror-related charges and three charges of lying to authorities. The link below will direct you to an article and video that discuss the courts ruling on the case. After reading/watching, answer the questions below.
  1. Do you think the prosecution’s argument would have been as effective/successful had it not included references to Al-Qaida and the 9/11 attacks? Why or why not?
  2. “They said his translation and distribution of controversial publications was free speech protected by the First Amendment.” Does the First Amendment apply to situations such as this? Is this a valid argument for the defense?
  3. Do you agree with the jury’s ruling? Why or why not?