Tuesday, December 20, 2011

U.S. Withdraws Troops from Iraq

Below is the link to an article from CNN discussing the removal of U.S. troops from Iraq. After reading it, answer the following questions thoughtfully and thoroughly.
  1. Do you think it is possible for the U.S. to build a “’normal relationship’” with Iraq given everything that has happened between the two nations in the past eight years of war? Why or why not?
  2. What do Obama and al-Maliki hope will happen to Iraq once the U.S. military is no longer present there? Do you think their visions for Iraq are possible?
  3. Do you think it is a good thing that the United States is withdrawing its military presence from Iraq? Why or why not?


  1. I think that if both countries try hard enough we can build a "normal relationship" between the two of us. However, I don't think that it is 100% realistic because of what has happened over the past eight years. People are not that forgiving.
    Obama and al-Maliki hope that Iraq can become a demorcray. I think that their vision for Iraq is possible because we (Americans) were able to sucessfully form our democracy many years ago after war.
    I think that it is a good thing that the United States is withdrawing the military because it is time to move on. It has been eight long years and if we are able to come to agreement with Iraq, then go for it. There is no more reasons to fight and put our soldiers in danger.

  2. I think that it is possible for the U.S. to build a “normal” relationship with Iraq given everything that has happened because we have done it with other countries. The United States has fought in other wars, with countries who we now get along with. It may not happen right away, but over time I think the relationship with become normal.
    Obama and al-Maliki hope that Iraq’s democracy will succeed and become a model for surrounding countries. I think this is possible, but hard to control. They cannot count on everything going smoothly once America is out of Iraq.
    I think that it is a good idea for United States to be withdrawing its troops from Iraq because many Americans wanted them out a long time ago. Many U.S. citizens have protested about the war, and hopefully it will lift some of the unrest in America. Some soldiers have been away from their families for a long time, and it is good they will be returning.

  3. I think it is possible for the U.S. to build a "normal relationship" with Iraq because we have done it with other countries and I think both countries are willing to try. If both countries try hard enough, over time a "normal relationship could be restored.
    Obama and al-Maliki hope that Iraq will form a successful democracy so it can be a model for other countries. I think their vision is possible because America formed a successful democracy after war, but I think they will run into some problems.
    I think it is a good thing the U.S. is withdrawing the military from Iraq because they have been there for eight years and many Americans wanted them removed many years ago. There is no longer a reason for the soldiers to stay there and fight.

  4. I believe that a “normal relationship” can be established between Iraq and the U.S. if given some time. I think that the government has a good idea in uniting the two countries, but the views of the people, who would be apprehensive to be connected to Iraq especially after everything that has happened. I am sure the people and the government does not forget the last eight years and it may be harder to create that “normal relationship.”

    After the U.S. military is no longer present in Iraq, Obama and al-Maliki hope to establish a successful democracy and rebuild the country by trading with the U.S. I believe this may be possible if they have enough people supporting the new democracy, because if they do not, the people of Iraq will be responsible for its destruction. I also feel that it is possible because many other countries had already created a democracy and Iraq could as well.

    Withdrawing its military presence in Iraq in my opinion is a good and a bad thing. It is good for the soldiers finally being able to return home to their families and be done with the war, but it is bad because the democracy in Iraq has more of a chance to fail without the soldiers making sure that it works.

  5. I do believe that it is possible for the U.S. to build a “normal relationship” with Iraq given everything that has happened between the two nations in the past eight years of war. I think this because of a several reasons. President Obama seems confident that he will be able to build that normal relationship between them as long as the Iraqis cooperate. The government has an intelligent planned out idea to help the relationship become as normal as it was before the war. Although Obama is trying very hard to give the Iraqis the military help that they need, and the respect that they want, it is still not even close to easy to forget what has happened in the past eight years. Therefore, it will take time to build the "normal relationship" once again.

    Once the U.S. military leaves Iraq, Obama and al-Maliki hope that a successful democracy will be established, will be a good role model for other regions/countries. I think this could be absolutely possible as long as the "normal relationship" is rebuilt and the people in Iraq loosen their grudges. Also, the fact that Americans have formed a democracy after war shows that it is in fact possible for a country to have a successful democracy subsequent to war.

    I think that withdrawing the military presence from Iraq is mostly a good thing. I assume this because the soldiers will finally be able to go back to their families and friends. They will be relieved of the fighting in the war. Even if Iraq seems to need the soldiers, I think it is better if the U.S. helps Iraq, but not using soldiers. The U.S. should help by what Obama's plans are presently. Also, along with Obama's present plans to help, Iraq being on its own for the first time in the past eight years will maybe make them want to step up and build that normal relationship, which will make the plans more likely to succeed. Therefore, it could be a win-win situation.

  6. I do not think it is possible for the U.S to build a "normal relationship" with Iraq given everything that has happened between the two nations in the last eight years. It is clear that the two countries will have to take time to have a "normal relationship" with eachother. In Obama's speech, he does feel confident about creating a relationship with Iraq. Although, he sounds confident there is going to be an election soon and Obama may not be re-elected. The other candiates for president might not want to focus on building a relationship with Iraq in the begining of their presidency. Therefore, I do not believe that their is enough time for Obama to create the relationship with Iraq.
    Once the U.S military withdraws their troops from Iraq, al-Maliki would like to create a successful democracy. I believe that is is possible for Iraq with or without the "normal relationship" with the U.S. because Iraq can not rely on the U.S because once the American troops are out of Iraq it is unknown what the U.S will do. Also I believe that it is possible if the people of the nation agree and are willing to create a successful democracy.
    I think that it is a good thing and also a bad thing that the U.S is withdrawing its military presence from Iraq. It is a good thing because the soldiers are able to go home to their famalies and end a tedious war. The bad thing is that Iraq may fall right back where they came from because the U.S is not guiding them.

  7. I think that it is possible for the U.S. to build a "normal relationship" with Iraq given everything that has happened throughout the last eight years. Our country has been able to have a normal relationship with Germany, Japan, and England when it did not seem possible. Obama is confident that he will be able to build that relationship with Iraq, as long as they are willing to cooperate as well. Therefore, I do believe that it is possible for Iraq and the U.S. to build a "normal relationship" with each other.
    When the U.S. military withdraws from Iraq, Obama and al-Maliki are hoping that it can create a strong, successful democracy. I believe that this is possible for Iraq because our country has helped them by taking baby steps and now the country is finally able to take a steps by itself and hopefully create a democracy. I think that these ambitions for Iraq are possible.
    I think that the troops withdrawing from Iraq is a good thing. The soldiers can come home to their families after all this time. The last eight years have also been very tough on America and it would be good to get the war behind us. The only thing that could go wrong with withdrawing from Iraq could be that its government falls apart and the democracy completely fails.

  8. I believe that America and Iraq will be able to have a normal relationship because the fight that we mostly fought was towards the people inside the country that disliked America. It was not the whole country that we disliked. So truly believe that we will have a normal relationship with Iraq.
    I think Obama and Maliki believe that there will not be anymore fighting or disputes with both of these countries. I think this is possible but only if Iraq can keep there country under control. If they do that I think it will be possible for this vision to succeed.
    I believe that America withdrawing our Nations Military from Iraq is a good thing because it is a step in a direction that is good for both our countries. We just need to make sure that Iran does not do anything to destroy this opportunity that we are giving Iraq. It is also good for the families in America that have loved ones over in Iraq.

  9. I believe that Iraq and America will be able to hold a normal relationship after the eight year war. I believe this because it sounds as if all America is trying to do after the war is help Iraq. We are trying to build up their government, and are urging oil production. Obama and al-Maliki seem to be on good terms as well, and the motive of each country after the war is clear.
    Obama and al-Maliki's goals after the war is to rebuild Iraq and have them be an independent country. The leaders also want the two countries to be allied nations and to build a "comprehensive partnership." Obama wants Iraq to succeed. I belive that this is possible for Iraq because with the help of America, the country has gotten back on its feet and will be able to form a strong, consistent democracy.
    I feel that America withdrawing its military presence from Iraq is a good thing for both countries. America has done enough to set Iraq up to a confident, independent country, and Iraq now has a chance to finally prove themselves to the world.

  10. 1. I do not believe that the U.S and Iraq will ever have a normal relationship after what has happned these past 8 years, because of all the tension that has been building. Also, because of all the men and women who have died over there in Iraqu, many were not happy with that, and I cannot believe that there will be any normal relationship anytime soon.
    2. Obama and al-Maliki both believe that Iraq will be able to rebuild Iraq, and make the government stable there, and more independent. Obama also wants to build a alliance betweeen them so that Iraq will be able to become independent.
    3. I do not believe that it is a good idea that they withdraw troops, because tensions are still high. I believe that Obama is only doing this to build political support for the upcoming elections. Because this may be the ordeal, the troops still should be there, especially because of the new photos that have surfaced of soldiers deficating on Iraqian corpses. On the flip side though, I do believe that it was right so that we don't have as many deaths as there may have been.

  11. First off, i honestly think we can't build a "normal" relationship with Iraq. I say this to the fact that we just fought them, and we really expect them to trust us after that, they aren't gonna. Sure they are gonna get troops and rebuild, but behind all that, they are going to be secretive, and just play along to all the stuff that's going on. Also I think that we are just going to use them, so the relationship won't be normal. I think, since they have oil, and we want oil, we are going to secretively milk them out of oil, until we have no need for it, then just take out all our troops and leave them on their own.
    As for what we want Iraq to become, we want them to be an example for other middle east countries and strong again. I don't think this can happen. I don't think it can happen, because we just fought Afghanistan too, but we aren't helping them at all, so i feel that they will attack Iraq until they wither out and give in to Afghanistan's power.
    Yes i think it is good that we are withdrawing from Iraq because we shouldn't have been in there in the first place. No offense, it was killing out troops, and depleting our resources, so it was not a good move. Also, sure, it is now establishing relations with them, but its not gonna be beneficial for long.

  12. I believe that it is possible for the U.S. to build a "normal relationship" with Iraq given everything that has happened in the past eight years of war because, like Gabby and Maris said, we have done it with other countries before. We used to resent Britain way back when America was just beginning, but over time we were able to settle our differences and create a "normal relationship". I think we can do the same with Iraq as long as both countries are willing to try and put their best foot forward. I would also like to point out that it was really al-Qaeda and people that hate America that we were against, not the entire country of Iraq. So, I think that it is possible to create a "normal relationship", regardless of the war that took place over the past eight years.

    Obama and al-Maliki hope that Iraq can succeed and create a democracy that will be a model for Iraq's entire region once the U.S. military is no longer there. I think this vision can succeed as long as America continues to help Iraq, and no more disputes or wars break out between Iraq and any other countries in its region. Basically, I think it can work as long as Iraq tries really hard to get back up on its feet again.

    Lastly, I think it is a good thing the the U.S. is withdrawing its troops from Iraq because this war has been going on for far too long and, like Caitlin said, it really is time to move one. Too many people have died in this war, and if our U.S. troops get out of Iraq, there will be no one left to fight. I also feel that the sooner we get our troops out of Iraq, the faster we can create peace with their country.

  13. In my opinion I do not think that the US can build a "normal relation" with Iraq. To many event have occurred to make everybody accept the relation between Iraq and the US. I think that Obama and the ruler of Iraq might be in a "normal relation," but people who have been injured and seen what has happened will not accept this good relationship with Iraq. The funny thing is that the government might be in a "normal relation" with Iraq, but some of the US citizens aren't. After all, the citizens make up the government in America. I think that too many deaths, injuries, and terrorism have occurred to have a good relationship with Iraq. Obama and al-Maliki hope that Iraq will have rights for the people and along with that a strong democracy. I think that this vision is possible for Iraq if the government buckles down and gets to work on the issue of not having a democracy. I also think that it is good for the US to be withdrawing the troops from Iraq so no more conflict will arouse between the US and Iraq. I think that it is wonderful that the troops will be returning to the US so they can see their families and get out before anything else happens in Iraq.

  14. Personally, I do think that it is possible to build a normal relationship with Iraq despite the events of this past war. That said, I think it will take some time to reach this goal; 8 years of disagreements don't go away overnight. But I think that if both sides are willing to repair the relationship, then I think it is possible to do so.
    Obama and al-Maliki hope that once U.S. troops are out of Iraq that Iraq can build its own democracy that will be a model for the rest of the world, and that Iraq will be able to defend and support itself. I think, with time, that these visions are possible as long as the U.S. works with Iraq and helps the country get on its feet.
    I think it is a good thing that American troops are being taken out of Iraq. It shows that we trust Iraq and the government, and it shows that our country is ready to make amends and is ready to move on from the war and our disagreements.


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