Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Steve Jobs's Stanford Commencement Speech

As we all know, Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs died this past week. Jobs's accomplishments are massive and many, and it is impossible to imagine the modern world without his technological contributions; how many of you could live without your iPods or MacBooks?
To commemorate his life and achievements, I'm posting the link to the commencement speech he gave to the graduating class of 2005 at Stanford University. You can find both the text and video of the speech here:
After you read/watch the speech, consider and respond to one or more of the following prompts:
  1. In your opinion, what makes this speech good/bad? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
  2. After reading/watching this, what is your opinion of Steve Jobs? What about his speech made you think of him that way?
  3. What about Jobs's speech made it an effective and appropriate address to students graduating from college? Explain your reasoning.


  1. Steve Job's Speech:

    Before reading Steve Job's speech I knew he was a really important guy and was in the computer business but I didn't know a lot of his background information. After reading this speech I feel like I know him a lot better as a person and as a worker. I also feel that he is a very tough but sensitive guy at the same time. I have heard that he is a tough guy to work for but he loves what he does and appreciates his workers. I feel as if his childhood memories have made a really big impact on him and who he is today.

    Something that made Steve Job's speech effective was that it was very inspirational and he used his real life experiences to do so. For example in the first part of his speech he states "Today I want to tell you three stories from my life." (first paragraph). This shows that he is not only being inspirational but he is using facts to explain his feelings he had when going through these times. He doesn't only state, he explains. The three stories that he tells are about connecting the dots, love and loss, and death. These stories are all from his heart.

  2. Steve Jobs has been a monumental contributor to where technology is today. I feel as though this speech had a few negative points, among the many inspirational and positives ones. For example, he mentioned many times about how being a college drop-out was the best decision he has ever made. Yes, that was the case with him, but what about the majority of the students that probably won’t be the CEO of a company? I think at times he made it seem as though college was useless and not beneficial.

    To me, Steve Jobs has always been considered the guy behind Apple, nothing more and nothing less. However, this speech revealed more about Jobs than I expected. His story is very inspirational and I admire the fact that he rose above his failure (when he was fired from Apple). He also made a point of talking about three specific life-changing moments in his life: loss, love and failure. Those three points had somewhat altered his life in a negative or positive way. Steve Jobs puts in perspective how close success can be if you have the determination and perseverance.

  3. What makes this speech good is that it is inspirational. Each story that Steve Jobs tells in his speech can inspire the graduating students to go out into the world and make a difference. He leaves them with the sense that things may not always turn out the way you plan but if you keep on trying, anything can happen. It was good that he shared his own life experiences. It was almost preparing the graduating class for anything that might stop them from reaching their main goal in life. The students could now realize that no matter what, they had to keep on trying.

    After watching the video, I think Steve Jobs was a very hard working man who accepted what life brought to him. Although he faced many challenges he still seemed to put the best forward and try to change our society. In his speech, Steve Jobs mentions that he was never planning on having cancer. He was strong and went through the surgery and survived. Yet still, you would never know the effect the cancer had on him based off of how he presents himself and shares his journey. This proves that the speech he was giving was from his heart because he applied all that had happened to him and realized its effects on life. Although he may have died many years later of the same thing, he still will be remembered for his hard work and dedication.

  4. This was actually my favorite speech that he spoke! (yes I was a nerd and would watch his speeches online) so I already had listened to this speech prior. But I think that the main thing that makes this a good speech is his overall message which I think is "anything's possible." This is a great speech because he really encompasses that these kids who are graduating college have really made an accomplishment in their lives. He told the kids that he never finished college and now he was one of the most powerful men in America so these kids who are graduating college could go even beyond that! And I must say that the idea of "Stay hungry. Stay foolish" was the perfect quote to put in this speech.

    As for the speech's effect on the students? Well i did kind of explain it in my first paragraph but I still think that he had the perfect ideas for the new adults. They really are starting the rest of their live and the "Stay hungry. Stay foolish." really captures that.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Prior to reading Steve Jobs speech I knew nothing about, other than him being the founder of Apple. When reading the first story, I just thought it was any other typical success story. Steve Jobs came, an unwanted child, came from literally nothing and over time he became a founder of a company that change the worlds image on todays technology. Then, I read the second story. I was moved after reading it. It must have been so hard to have been told that you only have three to six months to live. I found it amazing that at the end of the day, he didn't have to worry as much because he had a chance that he could be cured. Not many people with pancreatic cancer can say that.

    I don't think that the point Steve Jobs was trying to make was: "Now every graduating student become a CEO of a major company and change the world like I have." I think he was trying to say: "No matter what you do 30 years from now, as long as you are living everyday like it is your last, that is true success." Steve Job's lived everyday like it was his last and he lead a pretty good life. Being a CEO of a company that will impact the world forever, was just a bonus to his success. A good speech can be easily written, but the person presenting the speech and what it really means to them is what really make the speech amazing.

  7. I believe that Jobs made an appropriate speech to the grads of Stanford University. Although he was CEO of a company that has changed the world drastically, he was not telling all the grads to live to his level. The message he was trying to send to the grads was to live life to the fullest even if it is being the CEO of a life changing company. He was also telling the grads that if something does not go the way things are planned, just keep trying because anything is possible if you just try.

    Steve Jobs told his audience his story about dropping out of college. Steve went to a college that was very expensive and his parents worked very hard to get their son to a good college. When he dropped out he felt like he was a failure to his parents. But that did not stop him. He still attended classes that seemed interesting to him such as calligraphy. Which helped him when he became the creator of the Apple company which changed millions of lives. Overall, Steve made a very effective and appropiate address to the students graduating from college because it is the start of making a difference.

  8. I think that what makes Steve Job's speech good is that he addresses the students and makes good analogies such as telling the students that they are the new, and that getting fired was like a medicine that the patient needed. Like Kayla said, it was a very appropriate speech that was made, because he did not sugar coat anything. He told these real life stories because they were things that the students were going to have to go through. I think that the realism in the speech is what makes it so good and so inspiring.

    I did not know anything about Steve Jobs before this speech, but I after this, I knew that he must have been a pretty amazing guy. When he died, I did not know how big of a deal it was. After hearing this speech and knowing how much he did for our society, it makes me appreciate him a little more.

  9. In my opinion, there are some very good aspects to this speech. For one, he has multiple inspiring quotes like, “I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" and, “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life”. It is quotes like these that stick with people for a long time, and makes them remember the speech. Another good thing about Jobs’ speech is that it was personal. He included childhood stories, tragic events, and his real thoughts on things. However, there were some flaws as well. I agree with Kate’s views that he kind of sent the message that college was a waste of time and it is encouraged to drop out, which was probably not his intention.

    After reading this, my opinion of Steve Jobs is that he really knew who he was. Getting to where he is now, he followed his gut, and trusted himself that it will all work out. I feel like he is a really optimistic person who can make the best of any situation.
    By Jobs’ talking about his own uncertainties when he was younger, this shows college students that it is okay to be nervous. He made it a point to them that life is not always easy, but to never give up. After this speech, college students know that even Steve Jobs had setbacks in life, but that did not stop him.

  10. After I watched the speech by Steve Jobs, my opinion of him has deeply changed. His life story is incredible and made me admire who he is even more. Before I read his speech, I believed he just founded Apple, but I did not know his back story. He was one of the largest contributors to the world of technology. Steve Jobs overcame many obstacles including dropping out of college, being fired from Apple and being diagnosed with cancer. These would stop a normal person, but because of his ambition, he pushed himself to go further. Steve Jobs went to Reed College, but dropped out after six months. Even without a college education, he had the ability to build the Apple Company up from his garage. Jobs even incorporated calligraphy he learned in the first Macintosh Computer. He had no experience in the field of business, but still created Apple. Second, even when Apple fired him and completely stabbed him in the back, he turned what he learn learned into something successful. Steve Jobs was the creator of Apple and they had the audacity to replace him even though there would be no company. It is very remarkable to me that he had the ability to bounce back from a hit to his self-esteem. It must have seemed like a betrayal, but he was able to come back from it and create the companies of NeXT and Pixar, which both did well. Steve Jobs said that getting fired was the medicine he needed to be successful. Finally, Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He said, “The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months” (19). This news did not stop him. Jobs looks at life by living everyday as if it was his last. He looked death in the face and did not take his fate. Steve Jobs was a very wise man who crawled up the corporate ladder by making good decisions even though he did not grow up with much. These challenges made him a better man and I respect him and his accomplishments. He is a role model not only to me, but to others as well.

    This speech is truly inspirational and effective to the students that were graduating from college because Steve Jobs continues to send the message that they have the ability to do anything that they set their mind to and they can overcome the obstacles set in place for them. In the final paragraph of his speech, Steve Jobs talked about a publication called The Whole Earth Catalog. Their signature was “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish” (25). This provides a great message for the graduates. This will help motivate them to be successful such as Jobs was in all of his companies. By saying “Stay Foolish,” it speaks to them having to learn from their mistakes. He is preparing them for their futures because they will make mistakes and they should retain their motivation and drive.

  11. I, alongside many, have always admired Steve Jobs. He practically gave me my childhood, what with creating Apple computers, Pixar, and iPods. The most remarkable thing about it all is that he started out in his parents garage. Now, he is, or was, one of the most successful and well-known people in the world. Not only was he creative, smart, and skilled at creating new technologoy, but he was also a great public speaker, which I learned after reading his speech.

    In my opinion, there were many great points in Steve Jobs' speech. For instance, he constantly gave his audience positive, inspiring advice, such as "You've got to find what you love...So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." and "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice." These powerful words really stick with people and inspire them to do great things. More importantly, they inspire people in ways that they understand. This is because Jobs didn't use any big, complex words in his speech to make him sound smarter. He said what he had to say without anyone being confused or having to use a dictionary to understand what he meant.
    While these were good aspects of Jobs' speech, there was also a major flaw to it, as well. Like Candice, Kate, and Rachel pointed out, Jobs appeared to be telling his audiece that college was pointless and that people don't need it to have a successful future. In Jobs' case, he became quite profitable and thrived without graduating from college. However, he is a bit hypocritical because he did in fact take a college calligraphy course, and ha said that that was the base of his success. Nonetheless, I feel that this was a negative part of his speech because telling kids this could lead to many uneducated people in the future. Also, I would like to point out that he basically said college was a waste of time to a group of college graduates. I don't know about you, but if I had spent four years of my life working hard in college, and then at my graduation being told that I wasted my time, I would be pretty confused and frankly, quite mad. Aside from this, though, I do feel that Steve Jobs' speech was very well written.

  12. I think that this speech was so powerful because Steve Jobs has a lot of good advice.He has clearly lived through a lot, which can really change a person. He really lives for himself and I really admire that. I also believe that this speech was so well-recieved because he wrote it for the audience. He though about who he was presenting it to and really took the time to make it relevant to his audience. It wasn't too formal, but it wasn't too informal.

    After reading the speech, I have a new respect for Steve Jobs. I, like a lot of other people, knew who he was, but really very little about him. Like I said before, I really respect how he lives for himself. He said that "It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.". It's a good way to live.

    His speech was about how to connect the dots in life and how to really live your life to the fullest. I feel that this is very relevant to college graduates, as they are starting their lives. I disagree with Rachel. I don't believe that he was telling the students that college was a waste of time. I think that he was telling them that if there is something that they want to do with their lives, and they are passionate about it, they should go for it, no matter what the risks are. Steve Jobs took a risk by dropping out of collage. But, in the long run, it was what made him become the icon that he was. I agree with Jobs. If there is something you want to achieve, and whatever you're doing isn't getting you there, then you need to make some decisions.

  13. 1) I think this was a good speech, because it is a simple yet powerful message. He used many examples from his past, of how if you persevere, you can accomplish. When life gave him trials he had motive to reach his full potential. He knows he will die someday, and wants to be sure that what he does every day is what he would want to do on the last day of his life.
    2) My opinion of Steve Jobs is that he was a guy who always tried to achieve his full potential, and used negative things as motive.
    3) I think he made an appropriate speech, because he is saying to go into the world and do something. He is telling them to make an impact on the world by finding and doing something they love. Each of these college graduates are being told to seize the opportunity before them. It was basically a formal pep-talk.

  14. After reading this I feel like Steve Jobs had a good speech that seemed inspirational to those who were graduating at that time. He gave many examples from his life and how he struggled through it. one example is how he went with what he thought was right and how he went with his beliefs to accomplish his dreams. This would tell the graduates to go with their life dreams. Another example is how even with all the struggles from his life getting fire and all he still had motivation to reach his full potential to reach his goal. This would be very inspirational for those who were just entering the real world and I feel this is what made the speech great is the fact that he told the people to go with what they feel is right and to reach your goals no matter what.

  15. In my opinion, Jobs' speech was good because it was inspirational. His use of personal stories connected him to the students; it showed that even billionaires were once college students. His speech showed that, if you have a passion you can reach your full potential. I believe that Jobs gave good advice throughout his speech, particularly through his quote "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?". I feel that this is a good way to live a life, and that it was appropriate to say to college students.
    Obviously, I had known that Jobs was intelligent. After reading this speech, however, I came to respect him more so than before. Jobs started off his life as a college dropout, then somehow became a successful entrepreneur. I admire how he did what he love, not what others wanted him to do.
    I think Jobs' speech was appropriate for college graduates for many reasons. For one, he was very honest. He didn't paint a picture of a perfect life; he told them about the difficulties he faced in life. However, he also gave useful advice in his speech. The points Jobs made during his speech could be very important to people who are just about to start their adult lives.

    Steve Jobs' impact on the technological world was immense and many electronics we have would not exist without him. He was a brilliant visionary, and will be greatly missed by people worldwide.

  16. I believe that Steve Jobs’ speech was very good. He provided the college graduates with important life lessons, like looking back on situations and connecting the dots, always making sure that you are doing what you really love, and to live everyday like it is your last. He showed the college graduates that by doing something that you love, you can be extremely successful. He shared personal stories, helping the graduates see that his advice is useful and can be applied in every day situations. I feel though, that because he started off saying that he felt college was a waste of time, he made the students feel that their past four years at Stanford were a waste of time. Besides that, there is very little that I feel was bad about this speech.
    After reading this speech, my respect and admiration for Steve Jobs has only intensified. Before reading this speech, I only knew that he was a successful CEO and that he invented my Ipod. When I was done reading, I saw that he had worked hard for his success, and that he had nothing handed to him. He was even fired from Apple. He showed great perseverance though, because he was obviously re-hired. He was very inspirational though, when talking about his struggle with cancer and how he lived every day like it was his last.
    What made this speech appropriate to college students was the face that he was talking about experiences he has had and lessons he has learned throughout his lifetime. When a person graduates college, they are just beginning their life as an independent adult, and they need advice on how to do it since they have very little experience. Steve Jobs told them not to settle for something, but to do what they love. I think that is truly great advice for college students because they are starting their career and so they have advice to abide by when deciding their job.

  17. Steve Jobs’ speech is fluent, appropriate, and had a voice. It is for these reasons that Jobs’ speech is good. When addressing the students Steve Jobs makes eye contact frequently with the group and has good posture. This shows the audience that Steve Jobs cares about the topic that he is discussing. This enthusiasm keeps the audience engaged and interested in the speech. Another reason Jobs’ speech was delivered well was it was appropriate to the event. Jobs talked about how sometimes it is necessary to give up one thing to pursue what interests you and ultimately your dream. This makes sense to tell college students because they are just starting their lives and have many choices to make about their careers and lives; some of these choices will involve making sacrifices. This keeps the audience’s attention and gives them a reason to listen because it relates to them and their lives. On top of this, Jobs’ speech had a voice. The speech was not just fact after fact; it was told from his point of view and the stories speak to who Jobs is as a person. This makes the speech more interesting for the listener and makes them want to listen to what Jobs has to say. Jobs’ speech is good because it keeps the listeners interested and gives them a reason to think about what Jobs is saying.
    Based on his speech in 2005 to graduates of Stanford University, Jobs is a confident, accomplished person. During his speech Jobs is able to keep eye contact and good posture. Jobs does not stumble over his words and he appears to believe strongly in what he is saying because he gives a lot of detail in his stories. These actions show that Jobs is a confident person because he does not try to hide from the audience and addresses them directly. Furthermore, Jobs is very accomplished. In his speech he talks about his widespread success in the technology world of not one, but three companies that he started. He then goes on discuss how all three of his companies are extremely successful. Apple is responsible for the home computer, and technology made by NeXT is essential to that home computer. Job’s third company, Pixar, created the first ever animated feature film. Jobs’ success is great and vast, thus making him an extremely accomplished person.

  18. After watching Job's speech to the graduating class of Stanford University and their family and friends, I gained much more respect for him. It is not easy to tell a large group of people about your life, especially when you have gone through some rough patches. Steve Job's birth mother put him up for adoption because she wanted him to have a great life with well-educated parents.Although we sometimes see how slefish Jobs was with all his money we have to think that some of his birth mothers traits rubbed off on him. Steve Jobs was selfless when he thought of his parents before his education. Jobs dropped out of college because he knew all his parent's savings were going to his education. This selfless action reflected his mother's selfless act of wanting him to have a better life.

    Before watching this speech I knew little about Steve Jobs. I really only knew that he was the inventor of the device i listen to my music and text, and write this very comment. Steve Jobs was very intelligent as we all know. Jobs was proably one of the most important people of this generation.ALong with intelligent Jobs was optimistic. As he said in his speech find something you love and keep with it. Job's found what he loved early on in life and stuck with it his entire life.

    Job's was also a optimist. Job's looked at life as each day was his last. Job's had a positive outlook on life and look where he ended up one of the richest people in the world. As a people will we honor Steve Jobs every day with the use of our iphones, ipods, ipads,and the rest of Steve Jobs exquisite inventions.

  19. In my opinion, Steve Job's speech was actually good and it kept my attention. When I saw how long the movie was at first I got intimidated because it was just so long. So when I started to read his speech instead I got the impression that he was a complicated and intriguing guy. I also liked how he put some humor in his writing. He said "[A]nd it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was", and I thought this was so hilarious because I agree! I have no idea where my pancreas is. I learned about it last year and I know it's behind the stomach but I wouldn't be able to point at it if I had to.

    After reading his speech I see him more as a person and less as a robot. I barely knew anything about him before (besides the fact he was head of Apple) and I visioned him as a jerk. Yet his speech brought out a warm and funny side where he communicates with people and gets them to think. And not think in the boring way but think in the 'where am I going in life positively' way. I just feel like he's a real person who had his own struggles.

    I think Steve Jobs did a great job addressing college graduates because he makes a good point about the future. He wants new graduates to know what they want so they can live a happy and successful life. If he spoke it to already working people it would be too late for them to chase their dreams (well maybe not). But if he spoke to college kids they have a better and easier chance to make life how they want it.

  20. I knew some information about Steve Jobs before reading his speech. I never knew about the events that occurred in his life until I read this article. I never knew that he was adopted and was a drop out in college, which he said was a great decision. His speech gave positive advice to all those graduating students. His speech engrossed me and it really left him a good legacy since he passed away. His speech was so good since he emphasized the main points throughout the whole speech, live your life to the fullest, do something that you love, and never give up. He says this in all three of his stories.
    I think that Steve Jobs is a very intelligent and confident man. Of course he is intelligent for creating one of the first PC’s, but he is intelligent for understanding life. He knows to live life everyday to the fullest because the unexpected could always happen. Many people don’t have this perspective of life. They worry about losing something, which Steve Jobs didn’t worry about. He understood that death is life as we know it. He is most certainly confident because he never gave up even though he got kicked out of his own business. He realized that he loved what he was doing and that he will continue his life. That has to be true because look what he accomplished in the years of his life.
    This was an effective and appropriate address to the graduating students because the topics of his speech related to their future. He told them to never give up when an obstacle occurs in their life. This is very valuable advice that they will experience because life is never perfect. It is appropriate because this is the beginning of the life they now control. The way Steve Jobs said to never give up, do something you love, and to live life to the fullest will make them a successful person in life.

  21. In my opinion, I think this was a very powerful and great speech. I think this because it had a lot of meaning and thought to it and because it was said by one of the smartest and successful man in the world who explained his failures and successes in life.

    After watching this speech, i have continued to consider Steve Jobs as most successful genius in the world. This speech has made my realize about all the failures that he had to go through to become successful and not give up.

    Steve Jobs' speech was effective and appropriate for a graduating because it said to follow your heart and do what makes you happy in order to be successful in life. This is very good advice for graduating college students because it will help them make choices in the future.

  22. In Your opinion, was the speech good or bad? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
    The part I thought that was most memorable were the first two sentences, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” I like that quote because it is saying that no matter how much you know, you still don’t know it all. It is saying stay hungry for knowledge, and foolish, to have an open mind. I also liked the fact that the author of this article opened with the end of his speech first, because these words are something you need to remember. He is telling them to remember to always want to learn more. And never stop wondering.
    One major part that I can remember, when he told the story of how he was a collage drop out. I had to stop and re read it only to end up wondering, how the man who brought us such great things, such as the iPod and MacBook, could be a college drop out. I also felt sad for him, his biological parents gave him up because he was a baby boy, and I felt that that would not be right. Later when he talked about the first Macintosh computer, he talked about all the different typography that we all love to use. He also talked about how you have to trust in something, because in the end that’s all that matters. I thought this was good because he is telling us the reasons things got started on the computers but also never give up.
    The next story talked about how he started a business- Apple- and then was kicked out of it because the board of directors sided with his partner when the two had a falling out. As he was fired from Apple, he started two new companies neXT and Pixar.
    He then followed with the next quote “If you live each day as if it was your last, you’ll most certainly be right.” He followed this quote by saying that he was diagnosed with cancer and that he knows that he does not have much more time to live.
    All of these things made this speech good and memorable because there are some things you did not know about Steve Jobs that you find out through this speech.
    After reading/watching this, what is your opinion of Steve Jobs? What about his speech made you think of him that way?
    My opinion on Jobs is that he is a good and smart man, even if he did not finish college. I think he is a smart man because he knows how to take a bad situation, such as being fired, and make something even better out of it. Like I said with the being fired, he took that and from that made two new, successful businesses out of it.
    What about Job’s speech made it an effective and appropriate address to students graduating from college? Explain your reasoning.
    I think the fact that he talked about his college experience and how he never actually graduated, I thought that was appropriate because he was addressing college students. Because this was a graduation none of the students had actually dropped out, and him telling them about his struggles, would probably inspired them even more.

  23. Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement speech was good for a few reasons, including: the personal stories and his simple yet encouraging advice. Throughout his story, Steve used three solid examples from his life. They were personal stories of real events in his life. The first one involved his family history and how he didn't graduate from college. This is ironic because he's congratulating college graduates, but also powerful because it shows that people can overcome any obstacle and become successful if they try- this is also an important thing to remind young people of. The second story is about "love and loss." He explains his history with Apple and how he started the company with a friend, got fired, and then ended up working with them again. His third and final story was about death and how he came incredibly close (this speech was given in 2005) to death when he was diagnosed with cancer. The personal stories he used were powerful and inspiring. He started with very little and stayed that way for a while, then he became part of an incredibly successful company, and then almost had it taken away from him again. So his personal stories gave his speech an emotional and moving tone. He closed his speech with the words "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." Although they are four simple words, they changed Jobs' life and definitely had the potential to changes the lives of Stanford graduates go. As for delivery, he spoke rather slowly so that he could easily be followed by his audience, but he managed to not lose their interest. He made eye contact and didn't stumble, and he presented himself very well.

    I wasn't really expecting this. First of all, it's not exactly customary to have a college drop-out become the founder of a multi-billion dollar company. I was really surprised by how open and honest he was and that he didn't just talk about himself or say the things people usually say to graduates. He used his own personal and most likely painful experiences to motivate a class of students whom he'd never met before. I liked that he didn't brag about his accomplishments but instead used his failures as examples to prove his point to the graduates, which was to "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."

    If this speech was given to me as I graduated, I would definitely have been moved by it. I think this was an incredibly affective commencement speech. He used real life examples that really were kind of extremes of reality, which could prepare graduates for the road ahead. He brought that reality to them and showed them through his experiences to not let any of it get you down. This was inspiring to me as an outsider, so I'm sure it really hit the students at Stanford.

  24. In my opinion, this is a very good speech. Before this speech, I thought Steve Jobs was just a very smart man who invented Apple. After the speech, you find out that his life wasn’t as simple as thought to be. What makes this a good speech is that he uses examples from his life in it. He is speaking to college graduates, so one example he gave was about dropping out of college. I never knew he did that, and the fact that he could make Apple afterward was amazing. He also talked about when he thought he might die. He said that having that experience in his life, changed him for the better. After that, he went forward with his work. Including experiences from his life is one of the things that make this a good speech.
    He also included inspirational quotes like, “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.” Having quotes like this, inspire people to do better. It inspires them to make a difference. He addressed the students, as they are the new leaders, which makes them think. They must think about, if what they are doing is what they want to do. They have a lot of weight on their shoulders. They can change the world, if they try. The fact that Steve Jobs created Apple out of his garage, shows that anything is possible. If you try, you can do anything.

  25. Before i began reading this essay i knew that
    Steve Jobs was an extremly important figure in this modern world. He has influenced many lives of many americans and millions of people around the world. By making the apple company steve jobs have become one of the most successful and respected person in the world.

    I still think that Steve Jobs was an amzing person. He was a true genius because he created the apple company which all started in his garage with a high school friend. This speech also gave me more information than I knew about him. Steve Jobs story is extremly inspirational for kids who are having a hard time with their education. I think that Steve Jobs is another example of someone who never gave up and really made their dream come true.

  26. Thie article was apropriate for college students because its all about continung your life and how you cant go through life doing somthing you dont enjoy. it was about how life goes on and on you u need to make the best of it. ake wut u have and make a great enjoyable life that you love not anyone else loves just wut you love.

  27. After reading this speech, I have a high opinion of Steve Jobs. He seems very wise and intelligent. He has looked back on his life and has accepted all that had happened to him and realized that it was all for the better. He took charge of his own life and didn’t let anything stop him. Even when he was fired from Macintosh at first, he rebounded and created Pixar and NeXT, two major companies.
    All of this came from a man who never graduated from college. Today, the idea that unless you go to college you will not obtain a substantial career is everywhere, but look at Jobs. He never finished college but is incredibly smart and a multibillionaire. He did what he loved and made a career out of that, and I really admire him for that.

  28. Before listening to Jobs' speech, I had never really known much about him other than the fact that he was CEO of Apple and Pixar. But, after listening to his speech, I realize that he was very strong-willed, independent, and (obviously) successful. I find that the point he was trying to get across about "Stay hungry. Stay foolish.", was very appropriate to say to a graduating college class. I think that this is so because it can have a different meaning to everyone. For Steve Jobs, it meant that he able to push through hard times because he stayed hungry with the want to keep going with his computer business he was building. I think that graduating college students can use this quote as a reminder to keep their strength when they hit moments of weakness while taking the next step of their lives.

  29. I'd never really put in much thought about the contribution Steve Jobs' had made to modern day society until I listened to his speech. But after a brief moment of pondering, I realized... this guy really knew the meaning of life. Enjoy it, and make an impact. I loved his speech, he wasn't being basic and telling them all, "Hey! I want you all to stand up and become superheroes, and cure cancer, and save the planet!" Jobs gave the gentle push in the right direction, that if you love something, and want to keep doing it, commit. "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." Through rough times, if you love something enough, stick with it. His success was based off of his passion for technology and his business, he never even went to college. Steve's speech was appropriate for these college graduates, they are jumping into life and need the proper motivation to keep doing what they love. Steve Jobs is the perfect example of the benefits of doing what you love and staying true to it.


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