Monday, October 31, 2011

There are many things that made this speech magnificent and memorable. First of all, Steve Jobs used his own life stories and experiences, making this speech relatable to the graduates and anyone else who listened. Whenever I heard Steve Jobs’ name, I thought of a wealthy guy who received a great education and graduated from an expensive college. In reality, he was a college drop-out. That story can be a life-changer because it showed how even if someone doesn’t go to college, they can still be successful. I think Steve Jobs was an intelligent man, but in more than one way. Since he dropped out of college, one could assume he wasn’t smart but that was not the case. He started his own companies and was a billionaire. Clearly, he did not need college to be successful but that is not the point. He was very careful with his money and used all of his knowledge wisely. Jobs said in his speech how he started Pixar, which is now the most successful animation company in the world. Even though Jobs is no longer alive, the company lives on and is still successful due to his intelligence when he first started it.

Jobs talked about his life and how he overcame obstacles. I think that is a key point to an effective and appropriate speech for college graduates. They are not quite sure what difficulties and challenges will be thrown at them, but I think hearing from a successful college drop-out can make them more confident in overcoming their obstacles.

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