Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The monument that I chose was The Memorial of the Events of 9/11. This memorial is for all those who died on the September 11th attack in the World Trade Center. This memorial is made up of small shrines in public areas like Grand Central Terminal, 42nd Street subway stop, and other popular travel areas. The monument is made up of pictures of those who were lost in the attack. The monuments are covered in flags, flowers, or any other personal collection to honor those who were killed or who went missing. Those who pass by honor the shrine with moments of silence for those who were lost. Also the monument draws crowds of people from their usual routine to pay respect and reflect on those who died.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Memory, History, and Memorials

Throughout history, communities have built up memorials and monuments to remember and honor certain events. These memorials impact the surrounding community and how the public remembers that event in history.

For this term's blog, you will explore 1 monument and write a reflection answering questions about your monument and its impact on the community.

1. Go to:
2. Within the 8 sections, there are several case studies - chose ONE case study/memorial
3. Read the article and explore the other resources the module provides regarding your memorial
4. In your response be sure to include the following:

  • background info
  • the dilemma, if any, that surrounded the building of the memorial
  • its interpretation
  • its community impact
  • how people view the event the memorial is honoring after looking at the monument
5. You must make a connection to ONE OTHER STUDENT response. Reflect on what is difference/similar between the impact of the two monuments.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I researched the economic and abortion views of mitt romney and barack obama. I found that mit romney really wants to cut down the national debt. I agree because the debt is really making it hard for the country to get on its feet again. Obama wanted to boost the economy in the states by helping out the small buisnesses and getting cash flow going between people and buisnesses.I also agree with obama but i think we need to cut down debt before we spend more money. We need to suffer through a few years of bad economics in order to raise the economy in the long run. Romneys idas on abortion were that he was very agiainst it butn hesitant to sign any bills that would make it illegal. I agree with romney. I strongly disagree with abortion and believe that it is wrong but i do not think that it should be illegal. Obama alsio feels the way i feel. H doesnt like it but it is a choice and should not be illegal.
After taking the test i was not surprised. I was paired up with Barack Obama. I have always thought of myself to have more Liberal views than conservative but i am also a little bit conservative. I am proud to say that i am independent. After taking the test i was sure that i agreed with Barack Obamas views because the outcame of the quiz confirmed my beliefs. After watching the state of the union address i was 100% behind Obamaand his ideas on how to make new jobs and develop the country into the wonderful america we can really be.

Friday, February 3, 2012

2012 Election #2

For this blog, you will be taking an online quiz that will match your beliefs on issues in politics to a candidate running in the 2012 election. The candidate you match with would be the candidate that you would vote for.

Here is the quiz:

After the quiz:
Reflect on the candidate you were matched with. Where you surprised? Where you expecting to lean more conservative or liberal? What about the candidate do you like? Are there aspects of their platform that you disagree with?

2012 Election #1

As the election of 2012 approaches, we will be doing some research on the candidates and their platforms.

For this blog, you will be comparing President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's platforms. Please discuss at least 2 issues they have included in their platform. What is different? Are they similar? You should also add some of your own beliefs on the issues.

Remember to use credible sources. Here is a list to get you started: