Friday, February 3, 2012

2012 Election #2

For this blog, you will be taking an online quiz that will match your beliefs on issues in politics to a candidate running in the 2012 election. The candidate you match with would be the candidate that you would vote for.

Here is the quiz:

After the quiz:
Reflect on the candidate you were matched with. Where you surprised? Where you expecting to lean more conservative or liberal? What about the candidate do you like? Are there aspects of their platform that you disagree with?


  1. The candidate that I was matched up with was Barack Obama. I found this to be a little bit surprising because I do not always agree with the choices he makes as our president. I lean more towards the liberal side of things. I like that Barack Obama has had some experience being the president. He knows what he is doing and is aware of everything that has been going on in the United States for four years now. Many people may not agree with all of the choices he makes but everyone deserves a second chance, but sometimes it is good to change things up. As for Barack Obama's platform, I do not think that it is a smart idea to only give Congress 90 days to discus things. This does not seem like a good idea. Some times there are really big topics that need lots of time to think through. If you were to rush things, big mistakes could be made that will affect America. I think that Congress should get as much time as they want to discus important topics, within a reasonable amount of time.

  2. I matched with Barack Obama. I was not surprised with this, because I know that I have a very liberal sense of mind and I agree with a lot of the things that Obama has done as our president such as allowing states to drop out of No Child Left Behind. Like I said, I am a strong democrat, so yes, I was expecting to lean towards the liberal side. I like that Obama thinks of the people and focuses more on America than relations with foreign countries. With Obama, it is mostly about raising America's economy, creating jobs, and lowering the deficit. He has done very well with all of these things. Unlike Caitlin, I agree with the 90 day policy. Since Obama came to office, he has had a hard time passing any bills because Congress cannot come to an agreement. The House is mostly Republican and the Senate is mostly Democrat, so this is expected to happen. With the 90 day policy, Congress knows that they will only have a certain amount of time and they will not spend as much of that time arguing. If we did not give them a limit, they would spend forever on one bill instead of getting through one thing and moving on. Honestly, there really is not anything I disagree with that Obama stands for. He has done a lot of great things for America and I believe that if he gets re-elected, these great things will continue to happen.

  3. The candidate I was matched with was Barack Obama. I was a little surprised because although I am an independent, I tend to have republican tendencies. That said, I haven't felt drawn to any of the republican candidates so far in the campaigning season.After watching the State of the Union a while ago, I do understand why I was matched with President Obama. He has a couple big views that I agree need to be addressed such as the legalization of gay marriages, the legalization of abortion, and finding an alternative reusable energy source. If President Obama were to be reelected, I don't think that it would be a bad thing. He has not been a bad president, and has done some good things to help this country. But if he were not to be reelected, I think that might be a good thing too. President Obama has had difficulty passing bills because Congress is so divided and if there was a new person if office, they might have an easier time accomplishing things.

  4. The candidate I was matched with was Barack Obama. I am not really surprised because when our civics class took the liberal or conservative quiz my result was a strong liberal. I had my suspicions that I would be matched with Obama. Also, after watching all the commercials and reading the information I do not like the republican candidates and never really had, and it makes sense that I was matched with a liberal. The areas that I agreed with him were: taxes, health, energy, and all the "hot topics". My runner up was Gingrich and I don't think that makes sense because I strongly dislike him, but it was good I was not matched with him. I agree with most of Obama's ideas especially that he is for gay marriage and abortions (I'm not saying that it is necessarily good to get an abortion, I just think it should be an option) and that he believes in renewable energy. Overall, I was not surprise by my match and if I were eighteen, I would have voted for Obama too.

  5. The candidate I was matched with was Barack Obama. I was not surprised at all, I guessed this from the beginning all along. In civics class, we took a test to see if us students were more liberal or conservative. I was a liberal, not all the way (not strong liberal), but I was still liberal and I feel like that is what Obama is. I have also read information and watched commercials about the other candidates, and it did not seem like I would vote for them, therefore I would not match with them. I like President Obama because he has current experience of being a president of this country and even though he has had economic faults, I believe he is a strong willed person who will fight against his faults and lead the country to success. I also like the fact that he made healthcare more affordable to the citizens of the U.S.; I believe healthcare is important for every single person. In a speech, I have heard Obama talk about how immigrants should be able to live in the U.S. if they have education and will help the U.S. become a better place. Why not take the opportunity to have more people who are educated and who could help America? I did not like the fact that at first, Obama was soft of against same sex marriage, but then his views were evolving and slowly allowing gay marriage. There is not much I have heard or read about Obama that I disagree with. Although, tax issues could be one I disagree with, but I do not entirely know since I am only fifteen years old and do not interact much with tax.

  6. The candidate that I was matched with was Barack Obama. I was not very surprised by this at all. I had known that I always tend to lean more liberal, because of the way that I think the government should work. Also I think that my answer made sense also because of my age. When we took a poll of the class, we all found that most of the people leaned more towards the liberal side. Whenever I see Obama giving speeches anywhere, I am always fascinated. I find that I like what he stands for and what laws he wants passed and so on. I only disagree with him on the fact that school should be longer into the day or should go into the summer. I think that a lot of children get very stressed when taking difficult courses, and although it might give our country a better overall education, it might be too much for some people.

  7. The candidate that i was paired with was President Barack Obama. Not only was I not surprised, i was relieved. The only politician worth voting for this season is Obama. I love his platform and his ideas. In my opinion he is in the top ten presidents this nation has seen. (Okay, maybe top fifteen). My runner up, was Ron Paul. At this i got very happy. Mr. Paul is the only republican i would consider voting for in this election. He is both similar and different to Obama. I believe that Obama will be elected. If for nothing else than this reason. Each of the Republican nominees has at least on flaw that i believe can loose him the face. Obama is a great President and in my book, deserves his four more years.

  8. The candidate that I was paired with was Mitt Romney. I was kind of surprised that I was actually matched up with him because I had no idea that we did share a lot of the same views and for the most part I thought I agreed with what President Obama was doing in office right now. To be honest, I really did not know which side, liberal or conservative, I was going to lean toward. I am generally right down the middle so anyone could have really been my match. Some things that I agree with that Mitt Romney stands for are making abortion illegal unless in cases of rape and repealing the healthcare bill and allowing states to choose. I really think that states can choose their own way of finding healthcare and do not need to be told by the government. I don't like that he outlaws gay marriage.

  9. The candidate I was paired with was Mitt Romney. I was surprised because I had no idea I had some of the same views as him. I lean more towards the liberal side of things and was expecting to be paired with Barack Obama. Romney and I have very different opinions on same-sex marriage. I feel very strongly that people should marry who they want to marry and shouldn't be told they can't marry the person they love but Romeny outlaws same-sex marriage. When I first read that he doesn't approve of same-sex marriage, it was a complete turnoff and made me think I would never have anything in common with him. Something we do agree on is that humans contribute to global warming but it isn't completely our fault. We may be the cause of most of it but there are other things in the atmosphere that contribute as well.

  10. The candidate I was paired with was Newt Gingrich. I was surprised with by results because Newt Gingrich does not get as much as fame about his views as the rest of the candidates for president. I thought that I was going to be a democrat because when we did the test in class to tell if we were democrat or republican I got the results that I was a democrat. One thing that I like about the candidate is his ideas on securing the borders. He believes that the borders should be secured and that the main language spoken in the United States is English. I agree with this because the number of illegal immigrants should not be higher than the number of citizens. One thing that I do not agree is his view on same sex marriage. Newt believes that marriage is between a man and a women. I disagree with this because I think that marriage can be with a man or a women. I do not think that the government should get involved with marriages between people.

  11. After taking the test, I was compared with Michele Bachmann. Then Obama and Newt Gingrich followed her. I was surprised by the outcome because Obama and Newt Gingrich were in the top three. I am solidly republican, which makes me think of why Obama was in the comparison chart. However, Michele Bachmann is a republican which makes sense. She dropped out of the race in January . I was expecting to lean more towards the conservative side and the end result was conservative. I like how Michele Bachmann is first off republican, and how she wants to illegalize gay marriage. I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I also like how she is against abortion, like I am due to my religious beliefs. Another trait that stands out to me is that she does not want the government to interfere with health care. Besides the positive traits, I do not have anything negative to say about her views.

  12. After taking this quiz, I was compared with Barack Obama, then Ron Paul, then Michele Bachmann. I was not surprised because I actually would like Obama to continue being the president of this country and have a democrat fill the office.I have always had more liberal views then conservative. I like that Obama wants to create more jobs and improve our economy but i dislike that he wants to elongate the school day for children or even into summer because I as a student already have a hard time with the time I have to go to school. All in all though, I think Obama will be elected for our 2012 President and continue the great work he has done.

  13. After taking the quiz I was matched with Barack Obama, Rick Perry, and than Newt Gingrich. I was not surprised because a lot of the view that I knew I already have matched up with Obama. I was expecting to lean towards Liberal because I do not have much in common with the view of a conservative. The things that I like about Obama is that he is not against abortion because I do no think that should be illegal. On Obamas platform there were only a few things that I disagreed with but for the most part we were mostly the same.

  14. I got paired up with Mitt Romney after I took the test. I kind of like the candidate that I was matched with because for me it was either between Mitt Romney and Barrack Obama but some things that Obama has done have not been the best. I was not really that surprised with who I got paired up with. I was leaning towards the more liberal person because they are not plain and they are open to new ideas. They are usually willing to listen to the opinions of others. Conservatives on the other hand are typically already set in their ways and have beliefs that are hard to change. I like many things about the candidate such as his main priorities, his environmental issues, and health care. Yes, there are aspects in Mitt Romney's platform that I don't like such as the abortion policy and the Iraq war. These are two things that I really don't like at all.

  15. For the Presidential candidate quiz, I got that my political views were most similar to those of Obama's. I was not too surprised. I agree with everything that Obama says he is going to do, from supporting gay marriage to creating jobs involving clean energy. However, I do believe that Obamacare needs to be revised. I was expecting to get a liberal candidate because I am outspoken in some of my beliefs and am usually never scared to share my opinion. Personally, I like Obama, I just feel like not everyone agrees with what he is doing. I think that people forget that being the president of the country is an extremely difficult job and that no matter what he does, people are not going to be happy with Obama.

  16. After taking the quiz, I was paired with Barack Obama. To be honest, I was not surprised at all! I believe that I am a moderate to strong liberal. I definitely agree with pushing for a strong education system in the United States because education is one of the most important things in a person's life. However, I disagree with his want to extend the hours of a school day or push school into the summer because summer because kids still need to have fun and have a break from the stress that school puts on kids and teens. I like how Obama wants to push for gay marriage and leaving the choice of abortion up to the woman. I am a strong believer of these things even if it is against my religious beliefs. I also agree with Obama when he says he wants to start depending less on oil and more on fuel efficient energy sources. I believe that Obama has accomplished things that have benefited our country and also has very good intentions. I do not disagree with anything his party stands for as of right now.

  17. After taking the quiz, I was matched up with Barack Obama. To be totally honest, I was not really surprised at all. In civics we took a small quiz to see if we were more liberal or conservative, and I was a very strong liberal (democrat). Because of this, I was not surprised to be paired with Obama and expecting to lean more toward the liberal candidates. I also really like Barack Obama. I want him to continue being president next term because I think he did a great job as president these past four years and he really does try to help the people. He also actually acted than just say what he wanted to happen. He said he wanted affordable healthcare for everyone, so he put Obamacare into place. He also wanted to get troops out of Afghanistan, and he started doing so. I do not really disagree with any of Obama's platform either. Overall, I really like Obama as a Presidential candidate and was not surprised to be matched up with him in the quiz.

  18. After taking the quiz, I was matched up with Barack Obama. This did not really surprise me, as I tend to have very liberal views. I have always agreed with his plans for the education system. I think it is important to have a strong education system, as it is the foundation of the future. However, although Obama has ambitious ideas, I question how he will be able to put them through. I was surprised that the runner up in my quiz was Mitt Romney, as I do not have very conservative viewpoints in politics. However, I feel that, in order to build a stronger economy, it would be prudent to have a business man, like Romney. I feel that in the 2012 election, Barack Obama will be reelected. It seems that the republican party is too split, and Obama has much of the democratic support.

  19. I was not that surprised when I found out my match was Mitt Romney because I tend to like Republican candidates more. I feel that I am pretty conservative, but some of my views are liberal. Mitt Romney is a very conservative Republican and I feel that a few of his ideas contradict mine. In regards to taxes, I am more liberal and feel the rich should not receive the large take breaks. He is known for leaning towards the corporations because he used to be a part of that world. Putting all of that aside, I am more conservative and he was the candidate that I like. He should be able to fix the economy. Obama did not live up to expectations as president and I believe that a conservative will be able to bring the economy back. Although, after the State of the Union Address, I learned that he had some good plans like No Child Left Behind and bringing jobs back to America, but Obama was unable to get anything passed by Congress and was not very effective. I prefer how Mitt Romney plans on tackling the issues of America. I like his plans to tackle the economy and keep to America’s roots.

    Also, I feel that there are no great candidates this year. Obama does not have the greatest track record while president and Romney was not that well liked Massachusetts. I don’t believe that either will do super great things.

  20. I was matched with Barack Obama, which does not really surprise me. I consider myself more on the Democratic side, and I agree with a lot of what Obama does. However, he did not win by a landslide to two other candidates, because I also disagree with some of what he wants to do. For instance, I do not think we should build a 700 mile long fence across the border between US and Mexico, but I do think we should give immigrants under the age of 16 the chance to become an American citizen. I also agree with Obama on the topic of same-sex marriage. He is starting to change his views, and thinks that it should be allowed when performed under state law. This is better than Romney, who thinks it should be outlawed altogether.

  21. Mt top three matches were Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, and Michelle Bachmann. I'm not surprised at all that majority of my answers matched with Obama's beliefs. I do agree with most of Obama's views, and usually liberal views in general. I did support him in 2008 (whatever that means for an 11 year old), and I still do. The only thing he supports that I don't agree with would be his views on immigration. I tend to be pretty conservative when it comes to immigration. Therefore, I wasn't surprised that Romney was my second runner up, especially since all of the candidates besides Obama are Republican. If I had to vote for any G.O.P. candidate, it'd be him. Especially because of what he wants in terms of immigration. As for Michele Bachmann... this baffles me. Similarly to how it baffles me that she was actually considered as a candidate. I mean, my iPod touch would make a better President than she would, and it's shattered and doesn't even have Siri. I'm glad she dropped out. I would've liked for some of Obama's plan to have turned out better, but looking at where we were in 2008 and where we are now in 2012, there is a great difference. You can't expect one man to fix all of our problems in four years, and I really hope that he is reelected so he can continue his work.

  22. After taking the quiz, the candidate that I was matched up with was Barack Obama. My second was Mitt Romney and the Michelle Bachmann. I was not really surprised because in civics we took a quiz to see if we were more liberal or conservative, and it said I was more liberal. I was surprised at that quiz because I was raised in a family with mostly all Republicans. But after this I learned that I tend to agree more with Liberals. Obama did some of the stuff he promised to do. He wanted to make healthcare more affordable so made Obamacare. He also wanted to get all of the troops out of Afghanistan and he did. He also protected the American citizens by making a plan that killed Osama Bin Laden. I do not disagree with all of Obama's views but I do have some different views than him. Overall, I am not surprised that I got paired up with Obama.


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