Friday, February 3, 2012

2012 Election #1

As the election of 2012 approaches, we will be doing some research on the candidates and their platforms.

For this blog, you will be comparing President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's platforms. Please discuss at least 2 issues they have included in their platform. What is different? Are they similar? You should also add some of your own beliefs on the issues.

Remember to use credible sources. Here is a list to get you started:


  1. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have similar and different views on many issues. To begin with, Barack Obama believes in the health care plan that he has passed. He believes that insuring every single citizen is very important. However, Mitt Romney does not. Mitt Romney says that he is going to repeal the bill the first day he is in Office. The bill, in Obama's eyes, will provide everyone with health care. He believes that this would be a very good thing for America but Mitt Romney objects and believes that the state should be allowed to choose if they want to keep the health care law in place. I would have to agree with Mitt Romney and say that the state should be allowed to choose if they want to keep the law in place because it gives some flexibility to each states own views. However, I can see where Obama would want to have the whole Country on the same terms. In addition to the health care plan, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney somewhat agree on same-sex marriage. Mitt Romney is totally against same-sex marriage. He believes that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. Barack Obama isn't strongly against it but doesn't really support it either. Obama also thinks that marriage should be between a man and a woman but he has shown some support in the past for California's law. The way I see this issue is that people should be able to marry and love whoever they want. The only thing that should matter is their happiness. It doesn't bother me and shouldn't bother others either.

  2. President Barack Obama and Mitt Ronmney's platforms have similar and different aspects and beliefs on how to run their country. One issue in the platform their platforms is same sex marriage. Mitt Romney is a conservative and strongly believes that marriage should be defined as between a man and a women. In the Ames debate, Romney declared this, and said it should be a nationwide definition. I would have to disagree with Romney on this topic because I am not against homosexuals. I believe that people like who they like, love who they love, and should be able to marry that person they love if they wanted to. Why not? Barack Obama's view on same sex marriage was similar to Romney's view at first. Obama thought that marrying the same sex was unconstitutional and he had stopped the endorsing of same sex marriage. Although, his views started to alter and evolve; he is backing the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. Therefore, he is allowing federal recognition of same-sex marriages. Of course, this is under state law. I agree more with Obama about this topic, rather than Romney. As I mentioned before, people should be able to love who they love; it's a free country. Another issue both possible presidents face is one of the largest issues, the economy. Romney has said he has had some experience with economy deals, and announces them publicly. Romney also supported the "cut, cap and balance" to federal shortage of spending that was campaigned by the people in the tea party and some conservatives in congress.
    Barack Obama has it different than Romney, since Obama is the current president. Economy was a big issue for Obama during his years of being president; Republicans said that he his policies were not efficient the country is not headed in the right direction. He made reforms to help settle the Wall street issue and helped small business owners. He wanted to drop the high unemployment rage (9.1%), but failed to do so, so he wants to be re-elected to fix the issue. According to him, it will take years for the economy to recover. On this topic, I believe that Obama has had more experience, and we should keep him president so he can fix his faults, since he knows exactly what they are. He may have failed the country so far, but I believe that if he stays president, he can accomplish his goal of lowering the unemployment rate.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. There are a few things that Obama and Romney have in common with their campaigns however there are a lot of areas where they do not agree. One issue they disagree on is healthcare. Obama believes in having the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act otherwise known as Obamacare, and Romney wants to repeal the bill and instead give each state a chance to make their own health care. Obamacare was thought up to give insurance to the 32 million who don't have any, however giving all these people insurance will raise taxes by over 40 billion dollars (over the next ten years or so). Romney argues that the new taxes "vastly expanded federal control over our lives" -Mitt Romney and that it should be taken out. Another issue between them that isn't a major issue (compared to other issues such as the economy) is the idea of same-sex marriage. Obama said that he believed that marriage was between a man and a woman and sided with California's court that same-sex marriage was unconstitutional but now he says that his views are changing and he is allowing same-sex marriage as performed under state law. Romney on the other hand, does not think it should be allowed and he sees same-sex marriage as not right and that there should be an amendment in the constitution stating this "because I believe the ideal place to raise a child is in a home with a mom and a dad."-Mitt Romney. On the previous issue, I agree with Romney because the taxes created by Obamacare will hurt the economy. However I completely disagree with Romney and agree with Obama on same-sex marriage because I personally know same-sex couples and I think that people should have the right to marry whom ever they want.

  5. The biggest issue that separates President Obama and nominee Mitt Romney must be the issue of "Obamacare". This "free" healthcare system, is far more than just an issue of who will take care of Americans. No, this is an issue of economy and big government. Mitt Romney is currently on the campaign trail, and like the smart nominee he is, he will tell people what they want to hear. Mitt has told people that he will not raise taxes. This is and of itself is almost a direct shot at Obamacare. When Obamacare went into effect, it caused tax hikes, as to be expected. But this is not the end of the world! America is in one of the most fragile economic points that it has ever been in. We are in 14 trillion dollar debt, this is not simply going to go away. The government needs to pay for things somehow, and it just makes sense that the citizens should help this. Along with an economic issue, Obamacare brings back the very old issue of small vs. large government. Like our third president, Thomas Jefferson, Mitt Romney is a believer in small government. He thinks that healthcare should be decided by the states, not the federal government. This, in my opinion, does not make any sense. Healthcare is indisputably a national issue. Therefore, if we follow logic, healthcare should be taken care of by the national government, it just makes good sense. Furthermore, another thing that Obama and Romney are different in would be their views on the American public. President Obama is a middle class and lower class sympathizer. He wants to give the poor a break and put the heavier taxes on the rich. He want to put Americans in charge of their money. Romney, on the other hand, is all big business. He wants to give the corporations a 35-40% tax break. This is an atrocious mis-use of connections and a back stab to the American public. He was a business owner and made many friends there. Promising them tax breaks will help him get their vote and fund raise for him. Obama has never done this. Obama 2012.

  6. President Obama and Mitt Romney’s platforms are very different in approach. The obvious fact that they have different views on issues is certain because they both belong to different political parties. One of the major issues that comes up in speeches and debates that Barack Obama is asked about is the universal healthcare law or “Obama care.” It is widely debated by many people that it will be harder to make doctor’s appointments or do simple medical things like that once this law is acted upon. Obama thinks that it is a smart decision considering the current state of the economy and the fact that a lot of people in America just cannot afford healthcare. Mitt Romney does not entirely disagree with this, although he thinks that healthcare should be decided upon by the states; not made a law for all of the country to follow. I think that it is very ironic that Romney thinks that national healthcare is something that he would not consider needed. He was the senator of a state that already has universal healthcare state-wide: Massachusetts. My opinion on healthcare changes from time to time. I hear about one part of the bill that I really like, such as equal access to healthcare, but then I hear about another part that may make it harder for the elderly to pay for healthcare. Another one of the issues that somewhat differs between them is same sex marriage. While originally, Obama had a very Republican view of gay marriage. He has recently stated that although he was against it at first, he is getting used to the idea that everybody has equal marriage rights. Romney on the other hand, only approves of “traditional” marriages. His view is that the only true marriage is that of one between a man and a woman. My view on gay marriage is pretty strong. If two people love each other, who am I to judge if their love is so-called ‘real.’ Same-sex marriages are as controversial now as interracial marriages were in the 50’s. I feel like if we created a law that prevented people from the freedom to marry who they please, it would be a big step back for the USA.

  7. President Obama and Mitt Romney have similar and different views on many different issues. One difference that they have is their views on same sex marriage. President Obama said that at first he was very much against a same sex marriage but now his views are evolving and he is starting to support gay marriages. Romney on the other hand said that the best place for a child to be raised is in a house with a man and a woman. He is completely against same sex marriages. I think that a child can be raised in any type of family whether it is with two men, two women, or a man and a women. It does not really matter to me. When it comes to healthcare, President Obama has done very well, getting the Obama care package passed through congress which allows people to actually have health care and get medical attention. Romney wants to repeal the healthcare bill and allow the states to create their own health care plan. He said that his first day in office he would allow states to opt out of the current health care plan. I think that the states should be able to make their own plans because it involves less government and more state and I think that might work better for the USA.

  8. President Obama and Mitt Romney agree and disagree on a lot of the ideas on their platform. What they agree on is a strong border defense system on the Mexico border so that illegal immigration will stop. They also want to give privledges to the educated immigrants already in the country. Mitt Romney wants to simply supply green cards to the educated immigrants that could benefit employers and Obama wants to pass a law that would allow all immigrants under the age of sixteen to have the opportunity to become citizens. Even so, Obama believes in following the rules and will obey the deportation laws as they are written.

    Even though Obama and Romney might agree on immigration issues, they completely disagree on the more religious issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. Obama is indifferent about them, not necessarily supporting them, but not allowing laws to be passed that prohibit them. Romney does not support same-sex marriage at all and would even go so far as to pass a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as that between a man and a woman. He also does not support Abortion and is pro-life.

    I agree with the ideas that they both have on immigration. I agree that we should not be deporting young people in our country and people who are educated and could benefit our country. We should not be educating people and then sending them and their education back to another country. We should help them be able to stay in our country, so long as they follow our rules. I do not agree with Romney's platform on same-sex marriage and abortion. As far as same-sex marriage goes, it should not matter to the government what is defined as marriage or not. It is a personal decision and if two people love each other, then they should be able to be married regardless of the sex. I also believe in pro-choice regarding abortion. I believe it is a case by case basis, and no two cases are the same. People should have the choice so that women aren't resorting to dangerous practices to perform the procedure.

  9. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have similar and different ideas on their platforms. To start, Obama belives in the health care law he passed in March 2010. It was a big accomplishment that it was passed, although not everyone likes it. Romney disagrees with the health care law and says he would like to repeal the law. He would instead pass laws for each individual state so the law develps a program and meets the requirements of the residents.

    Another idea they disagree on is the same-sex marriage law. Obama at first thought a marriage was definined between a man and a woman but his views have slowly been changing and he is now backing the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. He wants same-sex marriages to be recognized by the state's individual law, not an overall law for the United States. On the other hand, Romney does not support same-sex marriages at all. He believes marriage is defined between a man and a woman. He also said a child should be raised by a mother and a father, not two mothers or two fathers. This is a very controversial topic and I feel that same-sex marriage should be legal everywhere. People should have the right to be happy and marry who they want to marry. One's happiness shouldn't be limited because of someone elses beliefs.

    One thing Obama and Romney agree on is improving U.S.-Mexican border security. They agree there should be updated security technology and that the government needs to be more strict about hiring undocumented workers. Obama voted to construct a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexican border.

  10. To begin, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have similar and different ideas portrayed on their platforms. One thing that is different between their platform is there idea on foreign policy. Obama believes that we should not take "American action". The United States should have communications with foreign countries before taking such a huge action. Mitt Romney believes that we should not "lead from behind" and take action. We should also should "pursue a strategy of American strength". I agree with Obama because we are now trying to get out of one of our longest wars with Afghanistan and Iraq. I think it is important to friend these countries before we get stuck in another war which we do not have the money fund. Another thing that is different between Mitt and Barack is there healthcare plan. Obama believes that his Obamacare should still be in place and it should be reformed to make it fully constitutional. Mitt Romney believes that the Obamacare will remove the Obamacare in his first day of office. He would like to create his own healthcare program similar to the one he used in Massachusetts. I agree with Obama because the Obamacare and the healthcare used by Romney in Massachusetts are very similar. Romney should not take the time to remove the Obamacare because he will create something very similar to it. Although Obama and Romney seem to have very different ideas they do have some ideas in common. One idea on their platform that is similar is there idea on immigration. Both Obama and Romney want to secure the borders. They are both willing to spend money to secure the borders. I agree with their idea because we should not be giving jobs to illegal immigrants when American citizens are suffering to make ends meet because they are unemployed. Another idea they have in common is the same sex marriage platform. Barack and Mitt both believe that marriage should be between a man and a women. Although, Obama believes that it is unconstitutional and violates the rights of the people if there is an amendment stating that marriage is only between a man and a women. I disagree with their views because marriage is when two people love each other regardless of their sex. The government should not interfere with peoples marriages. Also if there was an amendment stating this idea many citizens will be upset. All in all, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's platform are similar and different.

  11. To start, Obama is democratic and Romney is republican. Obama stands on taxing businesses while Romney wants to lower the corporate tax from 35% to 25%. Romney also wants to get rid of Obama's national health care. I understand that Obama used Romney's plan for healthcare, but Romney still wants to abolish this plan. Romney disagrees with abortion; however, so many people are for it, that he says the states should make up their own plan about the situation. Romney is also against gay marriages, but he wants to pass anti-discrimination laws. Obama on the other hand, agrees with abortion and he wants it to be federal that abortion is allowed. Obama also wants to pass anti-discrimination laws. They are also similar because the somewhat agree on giving the poor a tax break. Besides the characteristics provided, they are much different. I agree with Romney on his views.

  12. Mitt Romney and Barrack Obama have a lot of beliefs. Some beliefs, they may agree on and some they may not. In their platforms they say many things. Barrack Obama states that he wants to keep some things in the education system but mostly change things to make them better. Mitt Romney on the other hand states that he really likes the education system and he would only change it a little bit. I have to agree with Barrack Obama because I really do feel like our school systems are doing well but at the same time I do feel like some things have to change. When he says he wants to redo all crumbling schools I instantly thought of JFK. I really think this school needs a remodel and think other schools in the U.S. need to as well. Another thing that Barrack Obama states is how he wants to take troops out of the war because he doesn't like what is going on. Then Mitt Romney states that he doesn't want to pull troops out of the war and he doesn't agree with Obama on this one. I have to say that I agree with a little of both. I agree with Obama because I don't like the troops in the war but at the same time if we take them out will they just attack the Citizens themselves? Mitt Romney and Obama do agree on some things though such as gay marriage. They both oppose this but for me I have to say that if someone chooses to be gay that's their choice and they have a right to be who they want to be without being judged. They are also both focusing a lot about health care and think that everyone should be able to get it no matter their situation. I agree with both of them on this point because I think everyone should be able to have healthcare because if they can't afford it then they will lose more money and a lot of them try to stay out of the hospitals because they don't want to have to pay so much money because they are already in debt.

  13. While looking at the views of both Mitt Romney and President Obama, I noticed there once was a similarity in the opinion of health care. President Obama passed the bill for free health care, however it is not as popular as he and fellow democrats assumed it would be. Mitt Romney says that if President, he will appeal the act placed upon us by Obama. Romney, however, put a similar bill in place when he was a governor for Massachusetts. It is interesting to me that before Romney was in support of free health care, but now that it is something that the people do not approve of, he is against it. I personally think that people deserve to be taken care of, but the finances of free health care need to be figured out before a bill is put into place. An issue that the two politicians agree on through is illegal immigration. Obama and border states have been working to take legal action against immigrants and to spend money to make the border more protected. However, some say that Obama has not done enough, and that this could be a big issue in the 2012 Presidential election. Romney and Obama also both think that immigrants who have been given and education and even hold doctorates should be allowed to stay in the United States with a green card. I agree with both Romney and Obama's views on this issue. An issue that they disagree on is same-sex marriage. Romney is against same sex marriage, and believes that a child should be raised in a household with a mother and father. Obama's views on the subject are still evolving. He has not publicly endorsed same sex marriage, but supported the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, and allows federal recognition of same sex marriage under state law. I believe that marriage should be based off of love, and it should not matter if that love is between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, or a man and a man.

  14. While looking at the views of both Mitt Romney and President Obama, I noticed there once was a similarity in the opinion of health care. President Obama passed the bill for free health care, however it is not as popular as he and fellow democrats assumed it would be. Mitt Romney says that if President, he will appeal the act placed upon us by Obama. Romney, however, put a similar bill in place when he was a governor for Massachusetts. It is interesting to me that before Romney was in support of free health care, but now that it is something that the people do not approve of, he is against it. I personally think that people deserve to be taken care of, but the finances of free health care need to be figured out before a bill is put into place. An issue that the two politicians agree on through is illegal immigration. Obama and border states have been working to take legal action against immigrants and to spend money to make the border more protected. However, some say that Obama has not done enough, and that this could be a big issue in the 2012 Presidential election. Romney and Obama also both think that immigrants who have been given and education and even hold doctorates should be allowed to stay in the United States with a green card. I agree with both Romney and Obama's views on this issue. An issue that they disagree on is same-sex marriage. Romney is against same sex marriage, and believes that a child should be raised in a household with a mother and father. Obama's views on the subject are still evolving. He has not publicly endorsed same sex marriage, but supported the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, and allows federal recognition of same sex marriage under state law. I believe that marriage should be based off of love, and it should not matter if that love is between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, or a man and a man.

  15. After looking at the views of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, I noticed that Obama is against abortions where as Mitt Romney is with abortion rights.Obama struck down a rule that prohibits U.S spending on funding international family-planning clinics that promote abortion or provide counseling or referrals about abortion services and Mitt Romney refused to sign an anti-abortion pledge that opposes abortions.I also have the same have the same views as Barack Obama on abortions. I believe that women should have the right to whatever they want with their children if they are not officially born yet.Another topic that stood out to me while researching about these candidates was illegal immigrants. Both Obama and Romney believe that their should be more troops on the border to keep illegal immigrants out of the country. Obama also believes that green cards should be given to immigrants with a good education that can further help our country. I agree with both Obama and Romney's views on this topic because I think there should be more awareness on it to keep this country safe and legal all equal.

  16. President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both have similar and different platforms. As Caitlin said, Obama believes in the Affordable Health Care Act, also known as "Obamacare", he passed in March 2010. He feels it will help people get the healthcare they need all over the country. Obamacare is actually very similar to Massachusetts health care. In fact, the Mitt Romney signed the MA healthcare bill into law. However, Mitt Romney is against Obamacare. He feels that the Obamacare is a "federal power-grab", while the Massachusetts health care plan "reflected the state's sovereignty to develop a program that worked for its residents". So, Romney would like to repeal the healthcare reform bill if he gets elected into office. He also said that the first thing he will do when in Office is issue waivers to allow all 50 states to opt out of the federal plan. I would have to agree with Obama on this because while I do feel people should be able to choose what type of health care they want, I think Obamacare is a really good idea. I know the Massachusetts health care is really effective and works in our state, so I don't see why a similar form of healthcare can't work for our whole country. While Obama and Romney disagree on health care, they do agree on some things. Both Romney and Obama do not believe in same-sex marriage. However, Obama is not totally against the idea. He does believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, but Obama himself supported a California court's decision that the state's same-sex marriage law is unconstitutional. However, he then proceeded to back the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, so it is unclear to me as to whether or not Obama wants to allow gay marriage in all 50 states. Mitt Romney on the other hand has made it very clear that he is against same-sex marriage. He said that he believes there should be a "federal amendment in the Constitution that defines marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman". Romney also said that he believes the "ideal place to raise a child is in a home with a mom and a dad". On this issue, I do not agree with Obama or Romney. I personally do not think there is anything wrong with gay marriage. Also, the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, states that all men be created equal, and I don't think making gay marriage illegal is showing equality, nor do I feel it is constitutional. I also agree with what Abby said about marriage being based upon love, and it should not matter is that love is between two people of the same gender or not. Overall, Obama and Romney's platforms are both similar and different.

  17. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have few political views in common. For one, there is same-sex marriage. On the conservative side, Mitt Romney is completely against this concept. While, on the the liberal side, Barack Obama believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman, however he shows support for same-sex marriage. I believe that marriage should be between two people that love each other unconditionally, whether it be same-sex or opposite sex marriage. The government should not be able to tell you who you can and cannot marry. Another issue that Obama and Romney disagree on is education. Obama believes that the education system that we have now is good, but he wants to make more changes so that it is even stronger. To do this, he wants to pass a law that children can only drop out of school at age 18, not 16 with parent consent. On the other hand, Romney wants to keep the education system the way it is now. I have to agree with Obama because he wants to keep improving, which is always a great goal to strive for with anything. I think that it reflects his Presidential Views.

  18. Within Obama and Romney's campaigns, there are certain areas of overlap. During his presidency, Obama implemented the Affordable Health Care Act, which he felt would provide health care those in need around the country. However, Romney is against this plan, dubbed "Obamacare", feeling that it is overstepping the boundaries of the government. What is interesting is that Mitt Romney had implemented a similar form of health care in Massachusetts. I feel that Romney is not very consistent in his viewpoints, often flip flopping in order to stay in favor with the majority. I do not believe that this is a good quality for a presidential candidate.
    Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have several opposing viewpoints. Based on his own personal views, Obama feels that marriage is between a man and woman. However, unlike Romney, he feels that the laws regarding same-sex marriage should based on the state. Mitt Romney feels that same-sex marriage should be outlawed completely. This could be detrimental to his campaign, as he is closing himself off to an entire demographic. Also, President Obama feels that there should be advances in the education system in order to strengthen it further. He proclaims that students should not be allowed to drop out of school until they are eighteen. He is also making efforts to make college more accessible. However, Romney feels that the education is fine the way it is, and does not plan to change it. Personally, I agree with Obama. The education system is the root of our futures. Without graduates, we would not be able to make the advances needed to sustain our world.
    Based on what I have seen, I feel that my support lies with President Obama.

  19. Romney’s campaign focusses on the weak points of Obama’s presidency. Obama and other democrats passed the Affordable Health Care Act or Obamacare in March 2010, which was supposed to insure more Americans, but many courts ruled the law as unconstitutional. Romney would like to repeal the bill and issue waivers for the 50 states that give them the power to not participate in the federal plan. I do not believe that Obamacare will ever work. It would take away quality health care from the elderly in their time of need. I hope that Romney gets rid of it, but if Obama get reelected, he should realize that it is not going to work. The candidates are also complete opposites regarding the economy. Obama plans to reinstate his stimulus plan, which cracked down on Wall Street and sent more money to small businesses. The plan has not decreased the 9.1% unemployment rate. Mitt Romney believes in a balance between public and private sectors. He has a background in business and economics and supports the “cut, cap and balance.” Obama and Romney have different approaches on the larger issues, but had similar views on smaller topics. I have more faith in Romney restoring the economy than Obama just based on the fact that he has so much experience in that field.

    In regards to same-sex marriage, both believe that marriage is between a man and women. However, Obama feels that this issue is developing, while Romney is not very open to the idea. I don’t agree with either candidate on this topic. It should be legal if two people love each other to get married and it is unfair to deny people of that. Their views are so different because one is conservative and the other is liberal.

  20. Obama believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman, but does not think America should make a law about it. If it is performed under state law, then it is okay, but it is primarily up to the state. He is backing the repeal of Defense of Marriage Act. On the contrary, Romney is strongly against same sex marriage. He thinks a child should grow up with a mom and a dad, as oppose to two dads or two moms. He even wants to make an amendment in the constitution stating that same sex marriages are not recognized by the country. I agree with Obama on this issue. As Caitlin and Alex said, America is a free country. The government shouldn’t be telling people who they can marry and be happy with. Secondly, Obama believes in keeping abortion legal. He thinks that it is the women’s right to choose if she wants to keep the baby or end her pregnancy. Romney is pro-life, meaning he is against abortion. However, he is not dead-set against it. Abortion is a very controversial issue across America. I do not believe in getting an abortion, but that is just my opinion. I’d have to agree with Obama because every women should have the choice. The government should not force her to have the baby, and it is up to her if she feels like she has no choice but to get an abortion.

  21. When running for President, you'll most likely get more votes if you are moderate, whether you're of Democratic or Republican party. Ergo, it makes sense that both Romney and Obama have some minor overlaps on some issues and aren't completely opposing in their views.

    There are some evident problems in America and in the world, and everyone wants to fix them. However, there are many ways to do that. Barack Obama wants negotiate and work with allies, and eventually withdraw our troops from Afghanistan. Mitt Romney's campaign implies more of a unilateral approach. Obama wishes to offer illegal immigrants who snuck into America when they were under the age of 16 the chance to become legal American citizens. Romney hopes to secure borders and only distribute green cards to highly educated workers. Obama has always bargained for tax breaks for the lower and middle classes, and Romney wishes to give tax breaks to his friends in the big businesses and corporations. I do believe it's smarter to pull out of any country we've invaded slowly and carefully, for that would decrease the chance of more violence and disastrous outcomes, where as at the moment America is not strong enough to be so entirely independent and autonomous. I claim to be more of a liberal, but when it comes to immigration, I'm with Romney. Secure our borders, whether with fences or footmen or whatever. Maybe then we'd even have more jobs for Americans, which could help our economy. I mean, how many Americans do we see that are crawling into Mexico and disrupting their systems? None. As for tax breaks, there's no reason to give more tax breaks to the people on top. I'm sure their wives can spare the extra Gucci purses so that a few more Americans can feed their families true meals and keep their well-deserved homes.

    Neither Obama nor Romney are fond of abortion or same-sex marriage, which is a similarity, but how they choose to show that are quite different. Obama says that although he believes abortion is wrong, it should be a choice; women, doctors, and families should decide whether to abort a pregnancy or not. Romney is simply and "firmly pro-life." Obama originally supported civil unions, but it's not clear how supportive he is of same-sex marriage or not. He believes marriage is between a man and a woman, but he believes it should also be a choice. Romney simply believes marriage should be between a man and a woman. I believe that abortion is entirely up to the woman who would be carrying out the pregnancy and everything following. You can't fairly state circumstances which it is or isn't ok, either. Women who are raped should be able to abort their fetus or not. Women who get drunk and are impregnated by a stranger should be able to choose. Women who simply can't pay to raise a child to adulthood or can't give it the life they believe their child deserves should be able to make the decision of keeping their baby or not (especially when the government didn't support her [monetarily] when she asked for birth control and won't support her after she's been forced to have the baby). I personally haven't decided how I feel about marriage in it's entirety, but if two people or two thousand people are willing to fight to enter into a marriage, they should be able to. This is a rather personal topic for me, but seeing as I don't support any type of marriage, I don't think anyone should decide who can and can not decide to tie themselves to another person for forever (or until they get divorced).

  22. Obama and Romney have views that are similar and some views that are very different. Obama and Romney both have very strong feelings about same-sex marriage. They both agree that marriage is between a man and a women. He stated that this should be a world-wide definition. I would have to disagree with Romney on this issue. I have nothing against homosexuals. I believe that people should be allowed to marry whoever they want to no matter same-sex or not. I have nothing against it. Obama says he thinks marriage should be between a man and a women also. But he said his views are changing and he is now backing a repeal of Defense of Marriage Act, allowing federal recognition of same-sex marriage performed under state law.

    Romney and Obama also agree with the immigration law. Romney expressed support for giving green cards to educated workers who hold doctorates. He also states that the boarders need to be secured and that the government should look and "crack-down" on employers who hire undocumented workers. Obama has much more to say about the issue than Romney. Obama agrees that if the immigrants have a good record of education and meet certain requirements that they can "get in the back of the line for an opportunity to become a citizen".


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